Tacoma Marijuana DUI Lawyers

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Pierce County pot DUI and drug defense.

Possessing up to an ounce of marijuana in the city of Tacoma is legal, but driving a vehicle under the influence of pot is still considered a crime with potentially life-altering consequences. Our Tacoma DUI marijuana lawyers fully understand these often confusing laws, and urge you to take them just as seriously as you would an alcohol-related WA DUI.

Penalties for a pot DUI in Washington State.

Penalties for a pot DUI are the same as an alcohol-related DUI. Mandatory punishments include up to 364 days in jail and a $5,000 fine, and you will also have your driver’s license suspended for a minimum of 90 days and possibly far more.

If an administered blood test reveals that you were driving with at least .05 nanograms of THC in your bloodstream, you can be charged with a pot DUI in Tacoma. Our Tacoma marijuana attorneys often witness firsthand the damage a conviction can cause, and we urge you to do everything possible to minimize penalties while protecting your legal rights.

If a Washington police officer suspects that you are driving under the influence of pot, they can call for assistance from a drug recognition expert. Their job it is to determine whether you’ve been smoking marijuana, which is subjective to say the least. Our Tacoma marijuana DUI attorneys will look into the specific details of your arrest, because this so-called “expert” may have just been using their own discretion instead of maintaining the letter of the law.

Our Tacoma DUI marijuana lawyers will consider multiple avenues of defense on your behalf after thoroughly examining all evidence, including any police reports.

Our Tacoma marijuana attorneys offer a no-obligation way to start getting some facts.

Are you having trouble understanding Washington marijuana laws? If so, you’re not alone. Our experienced Tacoma pot lawyers have extensively researched the provisions set forth in Washington’s marijuana DUI laws, and are ready help you understand how the law applies to your particular situation. Our Tacoma marijuana DUI attorneys have decades of collective experience. In that time we have resolved hundreds of alcohol-related drunk driving crimes, and have been representing drivers charged with pot DUIs since 2012.

Speak with one of our Tacoma marijuana attorneys today by calling our Tacoma law office for a free case evaluation. Find out more about the penalties you face while getting accurate information about your pot DUI, without risk or obligation.

Call the law offices of criminal attorney, Jason S. Newcombe for a FREE case consultation.

If you retain one of our qualified Tacoma DUI marijuana lawyers, they will aggressively fight for your interests and do everything legally possible to have your marijuana-related charge reduced or dismissed. If you’ve already been convicted of a DUI in Washington, you are subject to even harsher penalties, so you need to talk to one of our Tacoma marijuana attorneys without delay. There is no substitute for a head start when gathering evidence for a resolute defense, and our Tacoma pot lawyers need adequate time to sort through the evidence pertaining to your arrest.

Contact our Tacoma law firm today for the Pierce County pot DUI and drug defense you need to fight a marijuana DUI, resolve your case, and move on with your life.

(253) 627-2828