Lakewood DUI Lawyers

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Tough Lakewood drunk driving defense for all of Pierce County.

Have you gone through a humiliating arrest in Pierce County for drunk driving? Were you possibly not even drunk and now have to deal with this nightmare, not knowing where to start? Operating from the general guidelines provided in the rule book, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a police officer may pull you over and arrest you based solely on the suspicion that you’re driving under the influence. Some of the signs that lead to this suspicion are:

  • If you are tailgating.
  • Your vehicle is swerving.
  • Speeding way above or below the posted speed limit.
  • Abruptly turning your vehicle.
  • If you appear to be drunk.

If you believe that you’ve been falsely charged for a Pierce County drunk driving crime, or simply want to mitigate and lessen the steep penalties associate with one, we urge you to contact our skilled Lakewood DUI lawyers without delay. Realize that a DUI charge does not equate to a conviction, and if you retain tough legal counsel in a timely fashion, a solid Lakewood drunk driving defense can put the matter to rest in your favor. When your very freedom and privilege to drive is at risk, it makes the best sense to secure legal counsel that is experienced and dedicated to keeping you out of prison and moving on with your life.

Our Municipal Court criminal defense attorneys will help you seize back control.

A common topic of concern that our clients relay to us over and over again is the fear of being thrown in jail and losing their employment. These are certainly valid worries, and it wouldn’t surprise us if you’re experiencing the same anxiety. Receiving a criminal record is one of the many repercussions that follow a DUI / DWI conviction. Not only do we understand your position, but we want to impress upon you that there is hope in having this Pierce County drunk driving charge stopped dead in its tracks before it tramples and wrecks havoc on the rest of your life. Seize back control by dealing with your charge head on with the help from skilled and experienced Lakewood DUI attorneys . We’re in your corner, and will fight to make sure that your legal rights are being protected!

Your Lakewood DUI attorneys will build you a Pierce County drunk driving defense based on WA law.

One of the many reasons that we advise our clients not to challenge their DWI / DUI charge without experienced legal counsel by their side is that a Lakewood drunk driving defense NOT solidly backed by Washington State DUI law will have a greater likelihood of failure. There are many out there who believe or have already plead guilty to their DUI charges thinking that they can simply explain the circumstances to the judge. Unfortunately for these individuals, little can be done once a conviction has been levied. Allow our knowledgeable Lakewood DUI lawyers to apply their extensive background in complex Washington State drunk driving law and do the hard work for you.

Call for a FREE consultation and ask about our affordable payment plans.

Schedule an appointment with one of our Municipal Court criminal defense attorneys today and get your questions answered. Doing so will put you in a position where you feel more comfortable in how best to proceed. With our flexible, affordable payment plans, putting this Pierce County DUI nightmare to rest with a strong Lakewood drunk driving defense is within your grasp. Call now! The Lakewood DUI lawyers from our team will fight to keep you licensed to legally drive and out from behind bars.

(253) 627-2828